Warehouse and Stock Management

Optimize Stock Usage with Warehouse Management

Stay up to date on warehouse management, inventory tracking, material purchasing, warehouse organization, order processing and inventory optimization.

All Movements Are Recorded

Record your purchases, return entries and order exits. Monitor stock movements fully and instantly.

Current Stock

Current Stock

Automatically update stock quantities with your purchases and orders.

Movement History

Movement History

Access the entire product transaction history and review its details.

Stock Value Report

Stock Value Report

Process your purchase and sales invoices into products and access the instant product stock value report.

Multiple Warehouse Management

Create your warehouse definitions or use the consignment warehouse option. Monitor stock levels per warehouse and manage inter-warehouse transfers.

Multiple Warehouse Management

Rack Addressing

Use the rack addressing system. Define rack addresses and specify barcodes for each address. Ensure that products are easily identified to the correct address by scanning the barcode at the stock entry.

Rack Addressing

Form and Report Tracking

Add movement, transfer and counting forms for products. Easily track your pending, processed and canceled forms. Access the Stock Value Report, TETT Report and Unaddressed Stock reports.

Form and Report Tracking
Discover Ready-made All-in-One Solution for Your Company.
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can I define separate warehouses for my branches?

    Şubeleriniz için farklı depo tanımları yaparak şube bazlı depo yönetebilirsiniz.

  • Can I set the product input and output types myself?

    Ürün giriş ve çıkış hareketlerinizi için dilediğiniz kadar tip tanımı yapabilirsiniz.

  • Can I get the value of the products I have?

    You can access the purchasing costs and sales prices for the products you have by using the stock value report.